
JA SOLAR, JAM72D40-GB-580W, Standard Bifacial Monocrystalline MBB Half-Cell 580Wp Solar Panel

Cod produs: PTG265.01384

JA SOLAR, JAM72D40-GB-580W, Standard Bifacial Monocrystalline MBB Half-Cell 580Wp Solar Panel

Cod produs: PTG265.01384
As a photovoltaic power generation solution platform, JA Solar Technology Co., Ltd. continues to advance its "One Body, Two Wings" strategy. The "One Body" refers to our main industry chain integrating silicon wafers, cells, and modules, while the "Two Wings" refer to our PV auxiliary materials and equipment industry and PV+ application scenario solutions.
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JA SOLAR, JAM72D40-GB-580W, Standard Bifacial Monocrystalline MBB Half-Cell 580Wp Solar Panel

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JA SOLAR, JAM72D40-GB-580W, Standard Bifacial Monocrystalline MBB Half-Cell 580Wp Solar Panel

0,00 € fără TVA 0.0 EUR

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